Doggo Hearts Toronto
Freeze-Dried Quail Hatchlings
Freeze-Dried Quail Hatchlings
Whole quail hatchlings with feathers and organs intact. Our quails are sourced from Ontario. They are humanely dispatched by euthanizing with CO2 .
Our quail hatchlings are 1-4 days old. Hatchlings are a perfect meal addition for small dogs and cats.
All quails are individually hand washed. All feathers and feet are thoroughly brushed with castile soap (Dr. Bronner) to remove any trapped feces. The quails are soaked in acetic acid (white vinegar) and then rinsed in water. All organs are intact.
Fresh weight of each hatchling is approximately 25-40g.
- Small: 6 hatchlings
- Large: 20 hatchlings
- Bulk in 2.6L Oxo: 60 hatchlings
*Bulk refills are available if bulk options were purchased previously
Picky eater scale: 1/3 (see FAQ for more details)
Suitable for dogs and cats
Raw ingredient sourced from Ontario