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Doggo Hearts

RuffLand - Water Hole

RuffLand - Water Hole

Regular price $69.99
Regular price Sale price $69.99
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1 X OD Green in stock


RuffLand - Water Hole

It's a water jug and water dish in one! The Water Hole is a water container that holds up to one gallon of water that is stored in the tower side of the container yet is always available for your dog to drink. It works via a vaccum like an office water cooler. Simly fill it and as your dog drinks the water, that water is automatically replaced from the tower. Will not crack or break if water freezes. Durable roto-molded consturction. Handy drain cap also makes it easy to rinse out. 

Colours: Whitestone 2.0, OD Green, Millstone

Descriptions directly quoted from for most accurate description from manufacturer. 

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